Rare Plants Season Wrap Up

We’re wrapping up this year’s fieldwork on our Rare Plants project! It’s been a great summer – 150 plots were sampled (50m x 50m each) in July and August across the Lower Athabasca region. The project is a partnership between the ABMI, the EMCLA (Ecological Monitoring Committee for the Lower Athabasca), and the Neilsen Lab [...]

Deer, Deer Everywhere! Camera Trapping Update

  The ABMI’s camera-trapping project led by Ecologist Cole Burton continues to run well with masses of photos coming in. Check out the new gallery dedicated to some lovely shots taken with the camera traps. The project will continue until early fall. Watch this space for updates and more photos. Remember to cast your vote on [...]

Successful Monitoring Season Finishes & Get Ready, Set, Process Specimens!

A huge congratulations to everyone at the Monitoring Centre for successfully completing wetland and terrestrial monitoring for the summer season 2012! Field season wrapped up on Friday July 27th, and despite a wide variety of challenges throughout the season, field staff were able to complete inventories at over 150 sites from across the province. They [...]

VIDEO: A Day in the Life of an ABMI Wetland Crew

What is it like to monitor a wetland in southern Alberta? What do wetland monitoring crews actually do? What do the different protocols look like in action? In an attempt to answer these and other burning questions, our Information Coordinator, Jill Smith and our Communications Coordinator, Sonya Poller visited Ciara Sharpe and Emily Jansen, one [...]

Website Updates: Aquatic Invertebrate Protocol Update, “Is a picture worth a thousand species?”

Aquatic Invertebrate Protocol Update An updated protocol for processing aquatic invertebrates has been posted on the ABMI website thanks to Rob Hinchliffe, Lab Coordinator, Aquatic Invertebrate Taxonomist. The document also includes valuable information for aquatic invertebrate identification. Is a picture worth a thousand species? The Science Centre’s Dr. Erin Bayne peer-reviewed article “Is a picture [...]

Ground-breaking Land Access Agreement: Canadian Forces Base Suffield

Over the past two years, the ABMI has been working closely with representatives from Canadian Forces Base Suffield on the development of a License Agreement which would allow for long term access for the ABMI to complete our field surveys on the military base. On June 1, 2012, the agreement was fully executed after being [...]

Rare Animals Pilot Projects: Summer Data Collection Wraps Up

The ABMI, the Ecological Monitoring Committee for the Lower Athabasca (EMCLA), the Bayne lab (Biological Sciences, U of A), and Bird Studies Canada have been running a pilot field project since March to test new protocols for monitoring specific rare species in the oil sands area. The focal species for this year’s work were the [...]

Prairie Conservation Forum Spring 2012

The ABMI is currently a member of the Prairie Conservation Forum (PCF)—a forum that brings together multiple organizations to foster discussion and engagement on southern conservation issues. The PCF meets three times a year and has members from a broad range of backgrounds, including government, NGO’s, and academia. The Forum generally has a day of [...]