The ABMI is currently exploring an exciting new way to monitor mammals throughout the province—camera trapping! Since the ABMI’s inception we have monitored mammals through winter tracking—walking a 10 km long transect near each ABMI site during appropriate snow conditions and identifying any snow tracks we encounter.
Kid’s Love Learning…& Biodiversity!
Another hand shot up, the little girl squirmed, stretched and strained to get the attention of Jim Herbers, who was giving classroom workshops to Kindergarten and Grade 2 students at Edmonton’s Holyrood Elementary School on May 31. Finally… relief. The little girl was chosen to answer Jim’s question: “Does anyone know what this is?” Jim [...]
2012 Landholder’s Survey
Each year, the ABMI’s field surveys are undertaken with the cooperation of hundreds of different people from across the province. It takes months of work to find, contact and build relationship with all the necessary folks. Our current 2012 monitoring is operating with the participation of: -170 agricultural producers -9 industrial corporations -6 municipalities -2 First [...]
Newest Member in the Family – the senseFly swinglet CAM Unmanned Areal Vehicle (UAV)
While remote sensing is presently an activity that we think of as taking place primarily on large aircraft or spacecraft, recent happenings in The Foothills Facility for Remote Sensing and GIScience (F^3GISci; home of the ABMI Remote Sensing Group) offers a glimpse into the discipline’s future.
EMCLA Annual Report Released
The EMCLA released its first Annual Report on April 30th, 2012. This report provides an overview of the EMCLA’s activities for the calender year 2011, summarizing the accomplishments to date, projects in 2011, and finances. The report has been submitted to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, as part of the EMCLA’s reporting requirements on [...]
ABMI Spring Owl Surveys
The ABMI, in collaboration with the Ecological Monitoring Committee for the Lower Athabasca (EMCLA), is testing new monitoring protocols for the oil sands region in northeastern Alberta.
Field Season Off to a Good Start
Our summer field staff have arrived and completed their first two shifts. Both safety training and the establishment shift are over and we are heading into Spring Protocol Training. Both SOP and establishment went well with northern crews establishing terrestrial sites and southern crews completing wetland verification. Crews had a chance to get their feet [...]
Early Learning Centre Presentation
On April 18, 2012, three members of the Information Centre staff, Joan Fang, Jill Smith, and Sonya Poller, spent some time with the kids at the Early Learning Centre daycare at the U of A campus. The topic of conversation for their visit was awareness and biodiversity, and they had a great time using a [...]