Jenet Dooley defies labels (except for being a self-described “long-time swamp monster”). Yes, technically she is a wetland ecologist, but to Jenet, that title doesn’t adequately describe the interplay between the evolving nuances of ecology and the project management and coordination of monitoring programs. Like wetlands themselves, Jenet is hard to pin down, and she [...]
All posts in Monitoring
Meet Alberta’s Wetland Atlas
We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.0 of the Wetland Atlas of Alberta, a first-of-its-kind effort to present the results of our wetland monitoring programs in an integrated, interactive, Open-Access online report. This comprehensive new resource includes province-wide inventories of wetland habitat developed by the ABMI and data collected by the ABMI [...]
New interactive status of biodiversity report for northwestern Alberta
We’re pleased to welcome a new addition to our growing family of interactive online biodiversity reports. Status of Land Cover and Biodiversity in Norbord Inc.’s Operating Areas examines the status of species, habitat, and human footprint in regions of northwestern Alberta. It gives a snapshot of the current state of land cover and biodiversity in [...]
ABMI forest regeneration work featured on ‘Geo for Good’
ABMI Remote Sensing Scientist Jen Hird presented as part of Google Earth Outreach’s Geo For Good lightning talk series on January 27. This event has now ended. Across the field of biodiversity monitoring, technological advances are making possible new kinds of observation and analysis. Some of the biggest changes have come from the deployment of [...]
Join us for a mite-y webinar!
ABMI acarologist—that’s someone who studies mites and ticks—Dr. Lisa Lumley presented Mites in Alberta as part of our It’s Our Nature to Know webinar series. Lisa outlined the ABMI’s mite research, and why collecting data on mites in the province is important to Albertans and helps to support land-use decision making. “Oribatid mites are the [...]
Explore the wondrous world of Alberta’s lichens
On June 29, ABMI lichenologist Dr. Diane Haughland presented Lichens of Alberta, the second in our It’s Our Nature to Know webinar series. Diane studies the taxonomy and ecology of Alberta’s lichens, and her team is responsible for identifying thousands of lichens from across the province each year to help track changes in Alberta’s biodiversity. [...]
A new Wetland Inventory for Alberta
We’re pleased to announce the release of the ABMI Alberta-wide Wetland Inventory—our most up-to-date and high-resolution wetland data yet. Several years in the making, this work would not have been possible without the generous support of Alberta Environment and Parks, or the rapid advance of remote-sensing technologies. Thanks to the availability of incredible open-source data [...]
Announcing the launch of our new, enhanced Mapping Portal
We’re pleased to announce the launch of our brand-new Mapping Portal, featuring new data layers, more functions, and an enhanced user interface—all inspired by feedback from you, our users. Planned as a tool for directly viewing and interacting with the ABMI’s species and geospatial data, the original Mapping Portal was launched in 2017 as part [...]