New interactive status of biodiversity report for northwestern Alberta

We’re pleased to welcome a new addition to our growing family of interactive online biodiversity reports. Status of Land Cover and Biodiversity in Norbord Inc.’s Operating Areas examines the status of species, habitat, and human footprint in regions of northwestern Alberta. It gives a snapshot of the current state of land cover and biodiversity in [...]

Moss-covered tree

Lichen block party: get to know your neighbours

Despite the millions of potential observers in cities, urban lichens are understudied. A recent blockbuster paper helps Edmontonians get to know their neighbours. It includes a detailed checklist of species found in the city, images of each species, local distribution maps, and identification keys. This inventory was the first step to establishing a local biomonitoring [...]

Democratizing forest regeneration tracking with Forest Matters

The following post is adapted from an article that first appeared in the spring 2022 issue of BIOS, the quarterly newsletter of the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists. Technological advances are changing the way biologists work. From number-crunching supercomputers to eagle-eyed satellite imagery, there are so many new ways to see, analyze, and make sense [...]

All good things…

We have bittersweet news: As of April 1, we will begin phasing out the NatureLyx platform. Over the past five years, we’ve been amazed to see the advancements in citizen science and the number of platforms and applications now available to support citizen scientists. It’s easier than ever to access tools, share your data, and [...]

Dr. Elly Knight, ABMI’s New Statistical Ecologist

Dr. Elly Knight is the ABMI’s new Statistical Ecologist and resident bird expert. Elly is also much more than that. She’s an ornithologist, research scientist, data lover, advocate for the Common Nighthawk, citizen science pioneer, storyteller, and mother, to name a few. Today is International Women’s Day, and we celebrate the over 40 unique women [...]

It’s time to be a winter wildlife detective again!

If winter cabin fever is catching up to you, maybe it’s time to head outdoors and catch up with the surprisingly busy world of winter wildlife. Once again, NatureLynx and The Nature Conservancy of Canada are challenging Albertans to get outside February 11–27 and join the 2022 Hands-on Alberta winter tracking mission. Will you accept [...]

ABMI forest regeneration work featured on ‘Geo for Good’

ABMI Remote Sensing Scientist Jen Hird presented as part of Google Earth Outreach’s Geo For Good lightning talk series on January 27. This event has now ended. Across the field of biodiversity monitoring, technological advances are making possible new kinds of observation and analysis. Some of the biggest changes have come from the deployment of [...]

Happy holidays from the ABMI!

Best wishes for a safe, restful, and hopeful holiday season as we look ahead to the promise of a new year. Thank you for your ongoing support; we at the ABMI look forward to connecting with you again in 2022 and—from webinars and WildTrax features to wetland inventories and website enhancements—sharing all the ways we’re [...]