ABMI on the Small Screen

Did you know that, by the end of the century, Alberta’s climate is projected to become warmer, by an average of 2-4°C, as well as drier and more variable? In response to this change, Alberta’s ecosystems are predicted to shift northward and upslope.  These are big changes and will affect our landscapes, species and communities. The ABMI’s Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation project is hard at work understanding the impacts of climate change on Alberta’s living resources and developing the knowledge and tools that will support the management of Alberta’s biodiversity in a changing climate.

Needless to say, it’s a complex topic, and we’re generating a lot of information! Nonetheless, our project’s sponsor, the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation, has managed to encapsulate what we do in a 30-second commercial – check it out! For more information on the project, visit the project website, and check out our recent stories about the potential consequences of climate change for Alberta’s native species, including the Burrowing Owl.